Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saint Germain: Keeper of the Flames

Beloveds, I come to you with good news. Never before in the history of Gaia has it been so easy to access the higher realms from your dimension. You have entered a time of quickening. It is at your behest to use this quickening, this increase of frequency to liberate yourselves from the prisons of your programmed minds and deliver yourselves into the service of your hearts.

Perhaps this sounds as folly to some of you, especially if you have become so identified with your mind as to confuse it for your Self. This couldn't be further than the truth.

The human mind is a miracle when brought into the service of the heart. However without this anchoring in the window to true reality (yes the heart center) the mind becomes like a crazy monkey or even a rabid dog in some cases.

Look to the media on your planet at this time for examples of the mind untempered and lost. Yes, most of you still struggle with this on a daily basis. If you think you rule your mind, then it cannot be so, for the mind in service to the heart is unselfconscious and yet supremely self aware.

And so I say to you again, you are all in a time of great awakening. The quickening of frequencies is automatically raising the vibrations of all beings on the planet at this time, and you now have the opportunity to awaken to your true nature, as a beautiful and magnificent incarnation of the One God or Creator. It matters not what you choose to call it. I simply call it the One for that is its nature. It is who you are. Who I AM.

I AM. Meditate on these words for a moment. Allow them to seep into your consciousness. You needn't even understand. Understand that you do not always need to know in the mind that which can only be understood by the heart. I AM.

Yes. And so I wish to share with you a tool that can free you faster than you could have ever imagined. In meditating with the Violet Flame you will catapult yourself into a lighter and lighter existence, peace, joy, and unconditional love begin to become a regular part of your daily existence. Continue to meditate with the Violet Flame and you will find yourself... not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

To meditate with the Violet Flame simply see yourself through the mind's eye, between the brows (also commonly known as the Third Eye or as the 6th Chakra) as fully engulfed in heavenly Violet Flame. All that is required is your continued presence and awareness in holding this visualization. This is a gift to you, and it is recommended that you use it often. Enjoy the fruits of Aeons of Creation and this blessed opportunity to be a part of this great awakening dear ones.

You are so loved and it is an honor be in your presence oh beings of Light. Remember your divinity and Shine upon the world.

Blessings of Peace and Wholiness. Call on me and I will be there in your Presence.