Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Welcome from Archangel Michael

Dear Ones Welcome. You are drawn here to receive further initiation into the light waves that are inundating your planet at this time. You are the beings of light. You are the children of the light rays, those who answered a call to serve this planet and usher her into the new phase of light.

Thank you for being here dear ones. Thank you for doing this work. In reading this transmission your light and energy bodies are being further activated via the portal opened through the channeller. Take a moment and feel this presence, this lightness, this love. Feel the love surrounding you from all sides at this moment lifting unneeded burdens from your energy body.

In the time leading up to the reading you now know that you were preparing to read this transmission and to claim a new level of lightness. Know that the time is currently accelerating on a continual basis. You are accelerating on a continual basis. You may look around you and see chaos though you have realized increasingly that you need not play a part in the so called dramas. You are not unlike the eye of a storm. You are the sanctuaries for all those that are suffering, for those clinging to old and outmoded ways. The storms are their gateways to freedom and you the children of light are their witnesses, their soothsayers, their teachers, their beloveds.

The time of ascension is upon us. Rejoice. You have been feeling, sensing, dreaming, of inner stirrings. Heed these messages for they are the keys to unlock the New Earth. We all have a role to play. And yes, joy and ease are paramount, essential, yet do not languish aimlessly in the fruits of your growth. Take stock of how far you have come - yes you have come very far. We who are watching, we who are waiting, we are looking upon you with such great love and admiration. We are also encouraging you to keep moving, keep advancing, keep forging through the darkness with your burning inner light. You are the way seers, you are the luminary guides for all those who are lost now and confused by the collective cloud that is still being cleared from your mass consciousness.

Reach out to your brothers and sisters in love, in compassion. THE TIME FOR ISOLATION HAS PASSED. There was a time not so long ago that you may have felt alone. Like a flickering light in a dark room. Know that the time for the sheltering of your light is no longer. REACH OUT TO YOUR BROTHERS AND YOUR SISTERS IN THE LIGHT AND BUILD UPON YOUR COMBINED LIGHTS. Find reasons to convene. As those who carry and walk in the light come together in greater and greater numbers, your energies will build... exponentially. You will find strength and inspiration in each others presence. Synchronicities will increase greatly. You will find your dreams becoming clearer before you and the path made easier before you.

Also call on me and call on all those guides, and the luminaries and ascended masters who walked before you. Ask for our help in any way that you need. A heavenly host of immeasurable grandeur stands behind every single one of you. You are not and never alone dear ones.

To some of you this may seem strange. You are wondering if this can be true and yet you feel the stirring within as you read these words. To many of you you already know these ways. You are educated in the ways of light and you already know that you only wish to advance forward into the light. Simply know that you being here at this page at this moment, you are on track. You are doing the work and you are doing it beautifully.

Before I depart, I ask that you take this moment to go within. Follow your breath and guide it to the center of your brows, and inward to the exact midpoint of your brain. Breathe into this center and receive the healing rays of enlightenment as they permeate your pineal gland. Sense this expanded consciousness. Humbly claim this state of knowingness. This is your divine inheritance.

See this center as it is filled with crystalline light. This crystalline light shines luminously throughout the meninges of your brain. This is the light of consciousness shining its light into every corner of your awareness. Welcome it as we welcome you fully into the light.

Be loved dear ones and be love. With gratitude from the consciousness of the One. I AM.

your humble and mighty servant, Archangel Michael

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